Anime are the popular mode of entertainment. It is Japanese animation film which is directed to make fun of adults and children, but is not recommended to be watched by small children as it shows little bit abusive content else it is fun to watch. Sites to Watch Anime & Cartoons Online Free

These are available in translation and with subtitles and can be watched by major audience during their leisure hours. 2017 came up  with leading Japanese animated popular series which you can watch anytime and anywhere around the earth.

These listed applications are easily available on internet and can be accessed through any device, so utilize your hours watching animated series featured on Japanese culture and tradition.

5 best anime movies to watch today 

RED ASH: MAGICICADAIt is anime which is completely inspired from a video game. RED ASH is thrilling anime movie which depicts the journey of third world and calling back the mega men who are there It is an third world journey you would be experiencing through this movie, and RED ASH is a story of doomed world. Walk on dead people’s land is always amazing so must watch this movie anime.

THE BOY AND THE BEAST: It is the story of an orphan kid who is walking into the mythical unusual world of alien creatures as he is adopted by one such kind who are lord of beasts. It remains exciting through kid’s journey in the beastly world and his action speaks where nobody can understand his language so enjoy your time watching this unusual anime with friends and get tricks and tats to deal with strangers as they are no less  than beasts.

THE GARDEN OF  WORDS: A contemporary story which depicts that how a man loses the conversation through his conscience. Japanese archetypical place are beautifully depicted in this story. Whole Japanese culture is compiled in this anime it is fun to watch if you are curious to know about the different cultures, its beautiful odes sung in the story which is highlighting the story. 15 year old shoemaker or cobbler is protagonist drooling over love. A romantic anime which is in the loner world.  Must watch the beautiful love anime.

INTO THE FOREST OF FIREFLIES’ LIGHT: anime is related to a six year old girl who  makes new friend who is not usual human friend but finds spirit around the forest and befriends it. She is on her vacation on the mountains with her grandpa. The beautiful friendship journey is being showcased in the movie,  how through span of years it gets deepened and is working all along those years. This magical story is transformed into a love story when they both realised that they both have started to feel for each other and cannot touch because as soon as they come close the spirit will disappear. The emotional feelings of a spirit  and huge love and romance is being caste in the anime. Something which is the girls own but still is not. Watch it to know what happens next.

COLORFUL: It is beautiful and pleasing animated movie which is trending  these days it is another series  from the producer of Doremon and Shin Chan. This serooies has been taken from a novel background where the kid is reincarnating through the soul of dead body with a goal of finding the mystery of the his death in six months. And in this time span he understands  life and its hardest modes and learns to tackle them  like adultery , social pressure, depression , suicide etc. This emotional yet anime is fun to watch.

All these anime are recently getting popular and are worthy of watching , you can watch each of them even if you do not like thrill you will love to experience  one through anime. And so for another genres . Keep on  your fun hours with it and enjoy free of cost .